“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose
sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are
constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things –
air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the
eternal or what we imagine of it.” – Cesare Pavese
I had already planned on
not accepting any assignment from work, which I continually receive.
Originally, I had planned on working just the day before the cruise
embarkation, but my hubby insisted that we might need that extra time to pack.
I even rebutted that we could pack within a day, no doubt about it. Was I
totally wrong! Gosh, good thing we slowly set aside clothing that we know for
sure we each want. When in doubt, prepare ahead of time, no reason to get
stressed out, right? Somehow, I managed to pack everything, loaded the luggage
in our car and lay my body in bed at 11:00 P.M. put the alarm on to buzz at
5:00 A.M. Fortunately, I could function with 6 hrs. or less of sleep. However, I cannot without coffee, so it is a must for me before any
thing is to be started.
First Day
Royal Caribbean, for
a 7-day cruise, Sunday is the Embarkation day, beginning at noon. Be prepared to face airport-like
security. Chaotic parking situation, long lines and elbow to elbow with so many strangers. We've been to different ports of departure. I'm sure things have
changed in every port, since we last cruised. The parking and luggage situation in Galveston goes like
this. If you are bringing a car with you, like what we did, park to the Pier
where the cruise ship is docked (i.e. Terminal 2). There are porters who will assist you with
your luggage. You just drop them off (no worries, these porters are legit, make sure they have a badge on them; all our luggage arrived safely in our cabin). Then you will park your car to the
designated parking, which will cost you $70 for a week. Then a terminal bus will
pick up passengers from the parking and drop them off to the "drop off and check in" area. At
first the situation was puzzling, we saw people with no luggage, some carrying
their multi luggage. Later on, we found out we were doing it right the first
time. Different from what we were used to in Florida.
One thing to remember, it is advisable
to pre-check in online, no later than four days prior to your trip. This will
save you time when checking in at the port. A bit of advice, DO NOT
bring or pack bottled water or you will have to dump them. Liquors are prohibited as well. Do not pack iron
and pocketknives or the cruise security will confiscate them. The luggage will
not even get to your room. You'll have to claim it at the lowest part of the
ship where the dictators are, I mean security personnel are. You may
get the iron back and knives back at the end of your trip, at the dock.
After you go through all the lines, pass
the security checks then you are on your way to a fulfilled week! Wohoo!
Welcome aboard!
you set foot in the ship, the crews’ smiley faces welcome you! Guess what? You know you
are in for a treat! :) The best thing to do first is, drop off all your carry on stuff and explore. Of course, if you haven’t
eaten all morning, one of the complimentary restaurants is already open and
serving the famished passengers.The good thing about the cruise is the food is always good!
The first day seems to be so hectic. I think the stress level goes up, and then goes way down as you and your family settles in. Leave all your worries behind and enjoy the ride.
After all the food indulgence, we have to burn all those pesky extra calories!

Rock climbing, jogging, surfing and boogie boarding!
Day Two of the
cruise, At Sea.
So many things to do! The good thing is, we've been on the Navigator of the Seas before, so we are quite familiar with its amenities and layout. No need to get acclimated to everything. Having said that, the cruise line has refurbished the ship, added a few things. The most we are more excited about is the Flowrider". Alayna could not wait to ride the wave. As they advertise it, you can catch a perfect wave every time. The only problem is, Alayna has never been on any kind of board, boogie board or surfing board. We'll see how it goes.
The ship provides free food and drinks. Well, almost all. There are exceptions. For those who have uncompromising taste buds, there are specialty restaurants that serve only the best. Be prepared to cough up a hefty price of $35 per person, per dinning.
The following are at your service:
So many things to do! The good thing is, we've been on the Navigator of the Seas before, so we are quite familiar with its amenities and layout. No need to get acclimated to everything. Having said that, the cruise line has refurbished the ship, added a few things. The most we are more excited about is the Flowrider". Alayna could not wait to ride the wave. As they advertise it, you can catch a perfect wave every time. The only problem is, Alayna has never been on any kind of board, boogie board or surfing board. We'll see how it goes.
The ship provides free food and drinks. Well, almost all. There are exceptions. For those who have uncompromising taste buds, there are specialty restaurants that serve only the best. Be prepared to cough up a hefty price of $35 per person, per dinning.
The following are at your service:
- Chops Grille Restaurant
- Izumi Japanese Restaurant
- Giovanni's Italian Restaurant
- Johnny Rockets Restaurant
“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.”
Docking in Cozumel, MEXICO
Before heading out to explore Cozumel, there are interesting things to do at the ship.
Feature Events:
Feature Events:
- Diamonds for breakfast. Diamond is a girl's best friend. If that's the case for you, enjoy a 65% off diamond studs. They're giving away raffle tickets, which give anyone an opportunity to win $500 shopping spree.
- If you know it, dance it! Game show. 7:30 PM
- Hips don't lie! Shake, Shake, Shake! This is definitely great for the whole family. Prices, a plus.
- 70's Disco Inferno Street Party. 10:00 PM
fun activity for the whole family! Shake your booty, do the boogie, do the
- Tonight's Dinner Dress Suggestion:
70's Disco
Little Miss snap the following photos of different shops.
Our third visit to Cozumel.
See you again someday!

Ice Skating!
Exploring different areas, (i.e. Library).
In every stairs landing, cruisers are greeted with various art paintings.
My daughter loves to stop and read all the descriptions, as well as take photographs.
She's fascinated by the artists' renderings and thought processes in every piece.
Elevated view
Decision, decision! What to order for tonight?
Why so many options? Oh wait, we like that, a lot! :D
If you're not sure, order two!
The cruise line learned to not print all the photos anymore. I've always wondered what they do with all those that were not bought. What a waste of paper and ink!
Now, if you wish to order any of your family's photos, you may view them first at one of these computers.
Breakfast time! Happy tummy.
Morning time stroll after breakfast. If you notice, we're the only ones stirring around.
Almost everybody's anywhere, but here.

One of the many bars in the ship. Bottoms up!
By the way, if you cruise with children, they have their own hang out.
Categorize by age groups. My daughter spent some time there, but not much.
She'd rather be out and about doing different sporty things.
Day Four
George Town, Grand Cayman
Other than St. Thomas, USVI, George Town, Grand Cayman is my other favorite port of call. The area is well developed and clean. The proximity of shops and banks just outside the port is very convenient. My family enjoys strolling along the Main Street, window shopping, sight seeing, people watching.
George Town, Grand Cayman
Other than St. Thomas, USVI, George Town, Grand Cayman is my other favorite port of call. The area is well developed and clean. The proximity of shops and banks just outside the port is very convenient. My family enjoys strolling along the Main Street, window shopping, sight seeing, people watching.
Tendering in George Town, Grand Cayman.
Of all the destinations, instead of docking directly into the pier(s), we tender.
We were told that it is very shallow by the ports and there are reefs that prevents the ships from docking right at the port.
Little Miss and the camera.
Her shots of the day.

Bye, bye George Town!
See you again sometime soon!
“You just can’t live in that negative
way… make way for the positive day.” ~Bob Marley
Docking in Falmouth, JAMAICA
Day Five
With our prior cruises, my family has
toured the cities of Montego Bay (MoBay) and Ocho Rios in Jamaica. This time,
we wanted to take it easy. Falmouth, from the ship looks a lot like a small-populated
tropical island. Such a stark contrast to Mobay and Ocho, which are
overpopulated, crowded cities. Falmouth port is so neat, organized and we had a
sense of safety. Each one of us bought a souvenir. Hubby loves collecting hats.
He may have bought the best-looking, quality cap so far! Me, on the other hand
found a cute tank top, usually I go for a T-shirt. Of course Alayna bought
another key chain, her fourth collection so far. One from each port
destination. By the way, she bought those with her own spending money that she
has worked over the summer time.
Back at the ship, around 4:30, last call
before heading back out to the sea. This time, our Captain is taking us to the
Caribbean Sea on our way back to Galveston.
The suggested dress code of the night,
casual. My family decided to skip the formal dinning this night. We headed to the
Windjammer Cafe. It's one of the complimentary causal restaurants. The
Windjammer offers buffet-style dinning, consisting of international cuisines,
which includes American, Asian, Continental, some choices of Mexican. Hubby
wished they offered more of it.
Every night after dinner, Alayna and I go
for a jog in the stairs beginning from our room, descend towards the lowest
deck then ascend again, until we are so tired and thirsty.
Alayna and the digicam in action.
Back at the Ship
Watch me do the boogie!
Ice dancin'

Seafood everyday, I love it!
Days 6 & 7, At Sea.
No destination, no worries! There are dozens of activities all over the ship.
Don't want to do anything at all? Fine, hang out at the pool and enjoy the sun or hide from the sun in the solarium. Or why not try your luck at the Casino Royale.
Splurge, you are on vacation after all!
One of the couples from our table celebrated his birthday.
He's originally from Jamaica, fun guy!
Alayna in line for the surfing.
Mini golf.
The swimming pool.
Solarium (above) only for adults, sorry kids.
Aerial view of the Flowrider.
Above and below photos (courtesy of the RC)
The guy riding is one of the Sports Team crew.
There are different kinds of cruisers, according to my observations. One group, I
call the "high risk/active ones". They participate in every thing!
Activities on the ship and excursions when the ship docks. Another group, I
call the "Low-risk/semi active ones". They participate based on
energy and interests. Then there's the "No-risk/take it easy ones". They
read books around the pool area; stay on the ship during docking times at every
destination. Ok, I'm not trying to sub-divide people, I don't like categorization myself, these are just my
observations. In the past cruises that I've been on. Of course there are
people who doesn't fit into these categories. My hubby and I fall under the
"low risk/semi-active". When my hubby was younger, he would fall under "high risk/active". He has done scuba diving, dive diving and snorkeling in Grand Cayman, Catalina Island and Laguna,
California. I, on the other hand, do not care for scuba diving. I prefer
swimming in safe waters, like the pool or very shallow seawater, where I could
see what's around me. Shopping and sightseeing is another activity I enjoy
while docking. Poor hubby usually just sits in the corner people watching while
Alayna and I shop.

After a fun filled day, nothing feels so good than to lay down and catch some zzz.
A towel turned into a swan. Our room attendant makes a different shaped animal every night.
“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” – This is what hubby feels after the trip.